verbo transitivo
1. | [oggetto, denaro]
prestare qc (a qn) to lend (sb) sthg, to lend sthg (to sb) farsi prestare qc (da qn) to borrow sthg (from sb) |
2. | [dare]
prestare aiuto a qn to help sb prestare ascolto a qn/qc to listen to sb/sthg prestare attenzione a qn/qc to pay attention to sb/sthg prestare fede a qc to believe sthg prestare giuramento to take an oath prestare servizio to work prestare soccorso to help |
verbo riflessivo
Coniugazione to volunteer
prestarsi a qc/a fare qc to volunteer for sthg/to do sthg
verbo intransitivo pronominale
prestarsi a qc to be suitable for sthg