1. | [generally] transferencia f |
2. | [for job] traslado m |
3. | sport traspaso m |
4. | [design] calcomanía f |
5. | (US) [ticket] billete válido para transbordar a otro autobús, tren etc |
[trænsˈfɜ:ɒr] ( pt & pp transferred, cont transferring )transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [from one place to another] Coniugazione trasladar |
2. | [from one person to another] Coniugazione transferir |
3. | sport Coniugazione traspasar |
[trænsˈfɜ:ɒr] ( pt & pp transferred, cont transferring )intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [to different job etc]
he transferred to a different department lo trasladaron a otro departamento |
2. | sport
he transferred to Spurs fichó por el Spurs |