1. | [movement - of broom]
barrido m
[ - of arm, hand] movimiento m or gesto m amplio |
2. | [by police] redada f |
[swi:p] ( pt & pp swept )transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [with brush] Coniugazione barrer |
2. | [with light-beam]
Coniugazione rastrear
[with eyes] Coniugazione recorrer |
3. | [move rapidly through - ideas, disease] extenderse rápidamente por |
4. | [for bugs or bombs] Coniugazione registrar |
5. | [sea, wave] Coniugazione arrastrar |
6. | [push]
she swept the papers off her desk apartó los papeles de su escritorio |
[swi:p] ( pt & pp swept )intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [wind, rain]
to sweep over or across something azotar algo |
2. | [vehicle]
to sweep along ir a toda marcha |
3. | [emotion, laughter, rumour]
to sweep through something extenderse por algo the fire is sweeping through the country el fuego se está propagando por el país |
4. | [person]
to sweep past pasar como un rayo |
sweep aside
transitive verb separable
[objections] Coniugazione rechazar
sweep away
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[destroy] destruir completamente
sweep up
transitive verb separable & intransitive verb Coniugazione
Coniugazione barrer