1. | [of time]
temporada f
[of weather] racha f sunny spells intervalos de sol to go through a good/bad spell pasar una buena/mala racha |
2. | [enchantment]
hechizo m
to cast or put a spell on somebody hechizar a alguien |
3. | [magic words] conjuro m |
[spel] ( (UK) pt & pp spelt or spelled, (US) spelled )transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [form by writing]
Coniugazione deletrear
how do you spell that? ¿cómo se escribe eso? |
2. | (fig)
Coniugazione significar
to spell trouble augurar problemas |
[spel] ( (UK) pt & pp spelt or spelled, (US) spelled )intransitive verb Coniugazione
escribir correctamente
I can't spell cometo muchas faltas de ortografía
spell out
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
1. | [read aloud] Coniugazione deletrear |
2. | [explain]
to spell something out (for or to somebody) decir algo por las claras (a alguien) |