1. | [form]
forma f
it's oval in shape tenía forma ovalada biscuits in the shape of stars galletas con forma de estrellas |
2. | [silhouette] figura f |
3. | [structure]
configuración f
to take shape tomar forma |
4. | [guise]
in the shape of en forma de in any shape or form de ningún tipo |
5. | [form, health]
to be in good/bad shape [person] estar/no estar en forma [business etc] estar en buen/mal estado to get back in shape ponerse en forma to lick or knock somebody into shape poner a alguien a punto |
[ʃeɪp]transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [mould]
to shape something (into) dar a algo forma (de) |
2. | [cause to develop] Coniugazione desarrollar |
shape up
intransitive verb Coniugazione
[develop] Coniugazione desarrollarse