1. | [large hole] hoyo m |
2. | [small hole - in metal, glass]
señal f,
marca f
[ - on face] picadura f, piquete m (Méx) |
3. | [for orchestra] foso m de la orquesta |
4. | [mine] mina f |
5. | [quarry] cantera f |
6. | (US) [of fruit] hueso m, cuesco m, carozo m (R Plata), pepa f (Col) |
the pit of one's stomach las entrañas |
[pɪt] ( pt & pp pitted, cont pitting )transitive verb Coniugazione
to be pitted against ser enfrentado ( f enfrentada) con
to pit one's wits against medirse con
plural noun
1. | [in motor racing]
the pits el box |
2. | (inf)
it's the pits está fatal |