1. | [generally]
mente f
state of mind estado m de ánimo to calculate something in one's mind calcular algo mentalmente to come into or to cross somebody's mind pasársele a alguien por la cabeza the first thing that came into my mind lo primero que me vino a la mente to have something on one's mind estar preocupado por algo to keep an open mind tener una actitud abierta to put or set somebody's mind at rest tranquilizar a alguien it slipped my mind se me olvidó to take somebody's mind off something hacer olvidar algo a alguien that was a load or weight off my mind me quité un peso de encima are you out of your mind? ¿estás loco? great minds think alike! ¡ves! ahí estamos de acuerdo to broaden one's mind ampliar los horizontes de uno to make one's mind up decidirse |
2. | [attention]
atención f
to concentrate one's mind hacer que uno se concentre to put one's mind to something poner empeño en algo |
3. | [opinion]
to change one's mind cambiar de opinión to my mind en mi opinión to be in two minds about something no estar seguro ( f segura) de algo to speak one's mind hablar sin rodeos |
4. | [memory]
memoria f
to bear something in mind tener presente algo to call something to mind recordar algo to cast one's mind back echar la mente or mirada atrás |
5. | [intention]
to have something in mind tener algo en mente to have a mind to do something estar pensando en hacer algo nothing could be further from my mind nada más lejos de mis intenciones |
[maɪnd]intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [be bothered]
do you mind? ¿te importa? I don't mind ... no me importa ... which do you want? — I don't mind ¿cuál prefieres? — me da igual never mind [don't worry] no te preocupes [it's not important] no importa |
2. | [be careful]
mind out! (UK) ¡cuidado! |
[maɪnd]transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [be bothered about, dislike]
do you mind if I leave? ¿te molesta si me voy? I don't mind waiting no me importa esperar I wouldn't mind a ... no me vendría mal un ... |
2. | [pay attention to]
tener cuidado con
mind you don't fall ten cuidado no te vayas a caer |
3. | [take care of] Coniugazione cuidar |
4. | [concentrate on]
mind your own business! ¡métete en tus asuntos! |
mind you
he's a bit deaf; mind you, he is old está un poco sordo; te advierto que es ya mayor