1. | [winning position]
delantera f
to be in or have the lead llevar la delantera, ir en cabeza to take the lead ponerse a la cabeza |
2. | [amount ahead]
to have a lead of ... llevar una ventaja de ... |
3. | [initiative, example]
ejemplo m
to take the lead [do something first] tomar la delantera |
4. | THEAT
(to play) the lead (hacer) el papel principal |
5. | [clue] pista f |
6. | [for dog] correa f |
7. | [wire, cable] cable m |
[singer, actor] principal
[guitar, guitarist] solista
[story in newspaper] más destacado ( f destacada)
[li:d] ( pt & pp led )transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [be in front of]
Coniugazione encabezar
to lead somebody by ten minutes llevar a alguien diez minutos de ventaja they are leading France three-nil van ganando a Francia por tres goles a cero |
2. | [take, guide, direct]
Coniugazione conducir
to lead the way enseñar el camino |
3. | [be in charge of, take the lead in]
Coniugazione dirigir
[debate] Coniugazione moderar |
4. | [life] Coniugazione llevar |
5. | [cause]
to lead somebody to do something llevar a alguien a hacer algo we were led to believe that ... nos dieron a entender que ... |
[li:d] ( pt & pp led )intransitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [go]
to lead (to) conducir or llevar (a) |
2. | [give access to]
to lead (to or into) dar (a) |
3. | [be winning] ir en cabeza |
4. | [result in]
to lead to conducir a |
5. | [in cards] Coniugazione salir |
lead away
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
to lead somebody away llevarse a alguien
lead off
intransitive verb Coniugazione
[road, corridor]
to lead off (from) salir (de)
[in card game, discussion] Coniugazione empezar
lead on
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[pretend to be attracted to] dar esperanzas a
lead up to
transitive verb inseparable
1. | [build up to] conducir a, Coniugazione preceder |
2. | [plan to introduce] apuntar a |