[graʊnd]past tense & past participle
→ grind
1. | [surface of earth]
suelo m
[soil] tierra f above/below ground sobre/bajo tierra on the ground en el suelo to be thin on the ground ser escaso ( f escasa) to get something off the ground (fig) poner algo en marcha |
2. | [area of land]
terreno m
sport campo m |
3. | [subject area]
terreno m
to be on familiar ground pisar terreno conocido to break fresh or new ground abrir nuevas fronteras |
4. | [advantage]
to gain/lose ground ganar/perder terreno |
to cut the ground from under somebody's feet
tomar la delantera a alguien
to go to ground esconderse, refugiarse to run something/somebody to ground encontrar (finalmente) algo/a alguien to stand one's ground mantenerse firme |
[graʊnd]transitive verb Coniugazione
1. | [base]
to be grounded on or in something basarse en algo |
2. | [aircraft, pilot] hacer permanecer en tierra |
3. | (US & inf) [child] castigar sin salir |
4. | (US)
to be grounded estar conectado ( f conectada)a tierra |
plural noun
1. | [reason]
grounds (for something/for doing something) motivos mpl (para algo/para hacer algo) on the grounds of por motivos de on the grounds that aduciendo que, debido a que |
2. | [around house]
jardines mpl
[of public building] terrenos mpl |
3. | [of coffee] posos mpl |
4. | [area] zona f |