1. | [last part, finish]
fin m,
final m
at the end of May/2002 a finales de mayo/2002 at the end of the week al final de la semana my patience is at an end se me está agotando la paciencia to be at the end of one's tether (UK) or rope (US) estar hasta la coronilla to bring something to an end poner fin a algo to come to an end llegar a su fin the end [in films] FIN to put an end to something poner fin a algo at the end of the day (fig) a fin de cuentas, al fin y al cabo in the end al final |
2. | [of two-ended thing]
extremo m
[of pointed thing] punta f [of stadium] fondo m [of phone line] lado m end to end extremo con extremo to turn something on its end poner algo boca abajo cigarette end colilla f |
3. | (fml)
fin m,
objetivo m
an end in itself un fin en sí mismo |
4. | (liter) [death] final m |
[end]transitive verb Coniugazione
Coniugazione terminar
to end something (with) terminar algo (con)
[end]intransitive verb Coniugazione
[finish] acabarse, Coniugazione terminarse
to end in/with acabar en/con, terminar en/con
no end
it cheered me up no end me alegró un montón
no end of
(inf) la mar de
on end
1. | [upright - hair]
de punta [ - object] de pie |
2. | [continuously]
for days on end durante días y días |
end up
intransitive verb Coniugazione
Coniugazione acabar, Coniugazione terminar
to end up doing something acabar or terminar por hacer algo/haciendo algo
to end up in ir a parar a