1. | [gen]
pezzo m
to be smashed to pieces andare in pezzi to fall to pieces cadere a pezzi to pull or tear sb/sthg to pieces [criticize] demolire qn/qc to take sthg to pieces smontare qc in pieces a pezzi in one piece [intact] intero ( f intera) [unharmed] sano ( f sana) e salvo ( f salva) to go to pieces (fig) andare in pezzi |
2. | [individual item]
a piece of furniture un mobile a piece of clothing un capo d'abbigliamento a piece of advice un consiglio a piece of news una notizia a piece of luck una botta di fortuna |
3. | [coin] moneta f |
piece together
transitive verb separable Coniugazione
[story, facts] ricostruire