
sostantivo femminile
1. [facoltà]   sight, eyesight
 in vista di qc [vicino]   within sight of sthg
[in previsione]   in preparation for sthg
 avere qc in vista   to have sthg in the offing
 essere in vista   to be in the offing
 a vista   exposed
 a vista d'occhio [velocemente]   before one's (very) eyes
 in vista [noto]   high-profile
[visibile]   visible
 non lasciare i bagagli troppo in vista nella vettura   don't leave your luggage where it can be seen in the car
2. [visione]   sight
 conoscere qn di vista   to know sb by sight
 perdere qn di vista   to lose touch with sb
 a prima vista   at first sight
3. [panorama]   view

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