
verbo transitivo
1. [trasportare ]   Conjugaison to carry
 portare via qn/qc (a qn) [togliere]   to take sb/sthg away (from sb)
2. [dare]
 portare qc a qn   to take o bring sthg to sb, to take o bring sb sthg
 portare soccorso a qn   to bring help to sb
3. [prendere con sé]
 portarsi (dietro) qc/qn   to take sthg/sb (with one)
4. [accompagnare]   Conjugaison to take
 portare il cane fuori   to take the dog for a walk
5. [fare arrivare]   to lead
 dove porta questa strada?   where does this road lead?
 dove ci porterà tutto questo?   where will all this lead us?
 portare avanti qc (fig)   to continue sthg
 portare a termine qc   to conclude sthg
6. [produrre]   Conjugaison to bring
 portare fortuna/sfortuna (a qn)   to bring (sb) good luck/bad luck
7. [addurre]   Conjugaison to provide
8. [sostenere]   Conjugaison to support
 portare bene/male gli anni   not to look/to look one's age
9. [vestiti, occhiali]   Conjugaison to wear
10. [capelli, baffi]   Conjugaison to have
11. [provare]
 portare rancore a qn   to bear sb a grudge
 portare rispetto a qn   to respect sb
 portare pazienza   to be patient



verbo intransitivo pronominale
  Conjugaison to go

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