
sustantivo femenino
1. [proyección - fenómeno]   shadow
[ - zona]   shade
 a la sombra [gen]   in the shade
(familiar) [en la cárcel]   in the slammer
 dar sombra a   to cast a shadow over
 hacer sombra a alguien   to overshadow somebody
 ser la sombra de alguien   to be somebody's shadow
 tener mala sombra   to be a nasty swine
2. [en pintura]   shade
3. (figurado) [anonimato]   background
 permanecer en la sombra   to stay out of the limelight
4. (figurado) [imperfección]   stain, blemish
5. (figurado) [atisbo]   trace, touch
 no tener ni sombra de   not to have the slightest bit of
6. [mancha]   spot
7. [suerte]
 buena/mala sombra   good/bad luck
8. TAUROM  most expensive seats in bullring, located in the shade


sombra de ojos

sustantivo femenino

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