
sustantivo masculino



verbo transitivo Conjugaison
1. [conocer]   Conjugaison to know
 ya lo sé   I know
 hacer saber algo a alguien   to inform somebody of something, to tell somebody something
 ¿se puede saber qué haces?   would you mind telling me what you are doing?
2. [ser capaz de]
 saber hacer algo   to know how to do something, to be able to do something
 sabe hablar inglés/montar en bici   she can speak English/ride a bike
3. [enterarse]   Conjugaison to learn, Conjugaison to find out
 lo supe ayer   I only found out yesterday
4. [entender de]   to know about
 sabe mucha física   he knows a lot about physics
5. (loc)
 no saber dónde meterse   not to know where to put o.s.



verbo intransitivo Conjugaison
1. [tener sabor]
 saber (a)   to taste (of)
 saber bien/mal   to taste good/bad
 saber mal a alguien (figurado)   to upset o annoy somebody
2. [entender]
 saber de algo   to know about something
 ése sí que sabe   he's a canny one
3. [tener noticia]
 saber de alguien   to hear from somebody
 saber de algo   to learn of something
4. [parecer]
 eso me sabe a disculpa   that sounds like an excuse to me
5. (Andes) (Arg) (Chile) (familiar) [soler]
 saber hacer algo   to be wont to do something
6. (loc)
 no saber uno por dónde se anda   not to have a clue
 que yo sepa   as far as I know
 ¡quién sabe!, ¡vete a saber!   who knows!



verbo pronominal
 saberse algo   to know something
 sabérselas todas (figurado)   to know all the tricks


a saber

locución adverbial
[es decir]   namely

Mots proches

Quelle est la bonne phrase exclamative correspondant à l'affirmation suivante : Es una bonita canción. ?