
sustantivo masculino
 calendario escolar/laboral   school/working year

Calendario Laboral
The calendario laboral lists the 15 public holidays a year in Spain. There are eight official national holidays, some of which are religious: Good Friday, the Assumption (15 August), All Saints' (1 November), the Immaculate Conception (8 December), Christmas; others are required by labour legislation: New Year, Labour Day (1 May), Day of the Constitution (6 December). A further five national holidays are optional (in that regional authorities can substitute them with other days): Epiphany (6 January), St Joseph (19 March), Holy Thursday, Feast of Santiago (25 July), Spanish National Day (12 October). There are two further holidays, one to be decided by each autonomous region, and one by each province.

Mots proches

Complétez la séquence avec la forme conjuguée au subjonctif présent à la personne indiquée.

  • Me gusta que (nosotros, salir) … juntos.