
[straɪk] ( pt & pp struck )
1. [refusal to work, to do sthg]   sciopero m
 to be (out) on strike   essere in sciopero
 to go on strike   fare sciopero, mettersi in sciopero
2. MIL   attacco m
3. [find]   scoperta f (di un giacimento)



[straɪk] ( pt & pp struck )
[action]   di sciopero
[ballot]   per decidere uno sciopero



[straɪk] ( pt & pp struck )
transitive verb Conjugaison
1. [gen]   colpire
2. [accidentally]   urtare
3. [subj: thought]   venire in mente a
 to strike sb as sthg   sembrare qc a qn
4. [impress]
 to be struck by or with sthg   essere colpito ( f colpita) da qc
5. [bargain, deal]   concludere
6. [match]   accendere
7. [oil, gold]   scoprire
 to strike a balance (between)   trovare il giusto equilibrio (tra)
 to strike a serious/happy note   toccare un tasto serio/allegro
8. [subj: clock]   battere
 to be struck blind/dumb   diventare improvvisamente cieco ( f cieca)/muto ( f muta)
 to strike fear or terror into sb   incutere paura or terrore in qn
 to strike (it) lucky (inf)   avere una botta di fortuna
 to strike it rich (inf)   fare fortuna



[straɪk] ( pt & pp struck )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [stop working]   fare sciopero, scioperare
2. [hit accidentally]
 to strike against sthg   urtare qc
3. [hurricane, disaster]   abbattersi
4. [person, animal]   attaccare
5. [clock, time]   battere


strike back

intransitive verb Conjugaison


strike down

transitive verb separable Conjugaison


strike off

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
 to be struck off [doctor, lawyer]   essere radiato ( f radiata) dall'ordine


strike out

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
  depennare, cancellare


strike out

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [head out]
 to strike out for sthg   dirigersi verso qc
2. [do sthg different]
 to strike out on one's own   mettersi in proprio


strike up

transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
1. [friendship]   stringere
[conversation]   cominciare
2. [music]   intonare


strike up

intransitive verb Conjugaison
[music]   cominiciare a suonare

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