
[stænd] ( pt & pp stood )
1. [stall]   chiosco m
2. [frame, support]   sostegno m
3. sport   tribuna f
4. MIL   resistenza f
 to make a stand   opporre resistenza
5. [position]   posizione f
 to take a stand on sthg   prender posizione su qc
6. (esp US) LAW   banco m dei testimoni
 to take the stand   andare al banco dei testimoni



[stænd] ( pt & pp stood )
transitive verb Conjugaison
1. [place]   mettere (in piedi)
2. [withstand]   reggere
3. [put up with]   sopportare
4. (inf & dated) [treat]
 to stand sb sthg   offrire qc a qn
5. LAW
 to stand trial   andare sotto processo



[stænd] ( pt & pp stood )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [be on one's feet]   stare (in piedi)
 stand still!   sta' fermo!
2. [rise to one's feet]   alzarsi (in piedi)
3. [be located]   stare
4. [be left undisturbed]
 leave the marinade to stand   lasciate riposare la marinata
5. [be valid]   essere valido ( f valida)
6. [indicating current situation]
 as things stand …   per come stanno le cose …
 unemployment stands at three million   i disoccupati sono tre milioni
7. [on issue]
 where do you stand on …?   qual è la tua posizione su …?
8. (UK) POL   candidarsi
9. [be likely]
 to stand to do sthg   essere lì per fare qc
10. (US) [stop]
 no standing   divieto di fermata


stand aside

intransitive verb
  farsi da parte


stand back

intransitive verb Conjugaison
  farsi indietro


stand by

transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
1. [person]   appoggiare
2. [promise, decision, offer]   ribadire


stand by

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [in readiness]
 to stand by (for sthg/to do sthg)   essere pronto ( f pronta) (per qc/a fare qc)
2. [not intervene]   rimanere a guardare


stand down

intransitive verb Conjugaison
[resign]   dare le dimissioni


stand for

transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
1. [signify]   stare per
2. [support]   credere in
3. [tolerate]   sopportare


stand in

intransitive verb Conjugaison
 to stand in (for sb)   sostituire (qn)


stand out

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [be clearly visible]   risaltare
2. [be distinctive]   emergere


stand up

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
(inf) [miss appointment with]   fare un bidone a


stand up

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [be on one's feet]   stare in piedi
2. [rise to one's feet]   alzarsi (in piedi)
3. [be upright]   stare dritto ( f dritta)
4. [be accepted as true]   reggere


stand up for

transitive verb inseparable
  battersi per


stand up to

transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison
1. [weather, heat, bad treatment]   resistere a
2. [person, boss]   tener testa a

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