
[həʊld] ( pt & pp held )
transitive verb Conjugaison
1. [gen]   tenere
 to hold sb prisoner/hostage   tenere qn prigioniero ( f prigioniera)/in ostaggio
2. [have, possess]   avere
3. [conduct, stage - conversation]   avere
[ - elections]   indire
[ - meeting]   tenere
[ - party]   dare
4. (fml) [consider]   ritenere
 to hold (that)   ritenere che
 to hold sb responsible for sthg   ritenere qn responsabile di qc
 to hold sthg dear   tenere a qc
5. [on telephone]
 please hold the line   resti in linea, per favore
6. [keep, sustain]   mantenere
7. [MIL - defend]   difendere
[ - control]   occupare
8. [support]   reggere
9. [contain - object]   contenere
[ - subj: future]   riservare
10. [have space for]   poter contenere
 hold it!   aspetta! or aspettate!
 hold everything!   ferma or fermate tutto!
 to hold one's own   cavarsela bene



[həʊld] ( pt & pp held )
intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [promise, objection]   rimanere valido ( f valida)
[weather]   reggere
[luck]   continuare
 to hold still or steady   stare fermo ( f ferma)
2. [on phone]   rimanere in linea



[həʊld] ( pt & pp held )
1. [grasp, grip]   presa f
 to keep hold of sthg [with hand]   tenere qc
[save]   conservare qc
 to take or lay hold of sthg   afferrare qc
 to get hold of sthg [obtain]   procurarsi qc
 to get hold of sb [contact]   contattare qn
2. [of ship, aircraft]   stiva f
3. [control, influence]   influsso m
 to take hold [fire]   prendere


hold against

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
 to hold sthg against sb (fig)   volerne a qn per qc


hold back

intransitive verb Conjugaison
[hesitate]   esitare
 to hold back from doing sthg   esitare a fare qc


hold back

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. [repress]   trattenere
2. [keep secret]   nascondere
3. [prevent progress of]
 to hold sb back from doing sthg   trattenere qn dal fare qc


hold down

transitive verb separable Conjugaison


hold off

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[fend off]   respingere


hold off

intransitive verb Conjugaison
 the rain held off   non è piovuto


hold on

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [wait]   aspettare
[on phone]   rimanere in linea
2. [grip]
 to hold on (to sthg)   tenersi (a qc)


hold onto

transitive verb inseparable
  tenersi stretto ( f stretta) a


hold out

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
[hand, arms]   tendere


hold out

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [last]   durare
2. [resist]
 to hold out (against sb /sthg)   resistere (a qn/qc)


hold out for

transitive verb inseparable
  persistere nella richiesta di


hold up

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. [raise]   alzare
2. [delay]   rallentare
 I was held up at work   sono stato trattenuto al lavoro
3. (inf) [rob]   assaltare


hold with

transitive verb inseparable Conjugaison

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  • My dad falls asleep … he watches TV.