
1. [alteration, difference]   cambiamento m
 change in sb/sthg   cambiamento in qn/qc
2. [contrast]   novità f inv
 to make a change   essere una novità
 for a change   (tanto) per cambiare
3. [switch, replacement]   cambio m
 change of clothes   cambio m d'abiti
4. (uncountable noun) [money returned after payment]   resto m
5. (uncountable noun) [coins]   spiccioli mpl
6. [smaller units of money]
 have you got change for a £5 note?   hai da cambiare (una banconota da) 5 sterline?



transitive verb Conjugaison
1. [gen]   cambiare
 to change sthg into sthg   cambiare qc in qc
 to change one's mind   cambiare idea
 to get changed [person]   cambiarsi
 to change hands COMM   cambiare proprietario
 a lot of money changed hands   c'è stato un grosso movimento di denaro
2. [provide with clean linen]   cambiare le lenzuola di
[provide with clean nappy]   cambiare



intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [appearance, train]   cambiare
 to change into sthg   trasformarsi in
2. [put on different clothes]   cambiarsi
 to change into sthg   cambiarsi e mettersi qc


change over

intransitive verb Conjugaison
 to change over to sthg   passare a qc


change round

transitive verb separable
  cambiare di posto


change round

intransitive verb
  cambiare posto

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