
1. [action, deed]   atto m, azione f
 to catch sb in the act   cogliere qn sul fatto
 to catch sb in the act of doing sthg   sorprendere qn nell'atto di fare qc
2. LAW   legge f, decreto m
3. [of play, opera]   atto m
[in cabaret etc. ]   numero m
4. (fig) [pretence]   scena f
 to put on an act   fare la commedia
 to get in on the act   approfittare della situazione
 to get one's act together (inf)   organizzarsi



intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [take action]   agire
2. [behave]   comportarsi
 to act like/as if   comportarsi come/come se
3. [in play, film]   recitare
4. (fig) [pretend]   far finta
5. [take effect]   agire, fare effetto
6. [fulfil function]
 to act as sthg   fare da qc
 to act for or on behalf of sb   agire per conto di qn



transitive verb Conjugaison
[role]   recitare
 to act the fool /innocent   fare lo stupido/l'innocente


act out

transitive verb separable Conjugaison
1. [feelings]   esternare
2. [event]   rappresentare


act up

intransitive verb Conjugaison
1. [car, machine]   fare le bizze
2. [child]   fare i capricci

Mots proches

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  • I … sleeping: I was reading.