verbo intransitivo
1. | [rimanere in un luogo] Conjugación to stay |
2. | [essere]
Conjugación to be
come stai? how are you? stare a galla to float stare a cavalcioni to straddle |
3. | [abitare] to live |
4. | [spettare]
stare a qn to be up to sb |
5. | [continuativo]
stare (+ gerundio) : cosa state facendo? what are you doing?, stava dormendo he was sleeping stare a fare qc : stavano a pescare quando sentirono … they were fishing when they heard … |
6. | [indica imminenza]
stare per fare qc to be about to do sthg |
7. | stare bene/male
to look good/bad
[comportamento] to be right/wrong stare bene/male a qn to suit/not suit sb stare a qn to fit sb, questa giacca non mi sta this jacket doesn't fit (me), la maglia mi sta grande the sweater's too big for me |
8. | stare con qn
to live with sb
[essere fidanzato] to be (going out) with sb |
9. | starci
to be up for it
[entrarci] to fit |