verbo transitivo
1. | [far ruotare]
Conjugación to turn
[occhi] Conjugación to roll |
2. | [percorrere]
Conjugación to go around
abbiamo girato tutta la città we went all around the town ha girato il mondo he's been all over the world |
3. | CINE |
4. | [assegno] Conjugación to endorse |
5. | [frase, discorso] to twist the meaning of |
verbo intransitivo
1. | [ruotare]
Conjugación to turn
girare attorno a qc [fare il giro di] to go (all) around sthg (fig) to skirt around sthg girare attorno a qn [corteggiare] to hang round sb mi gira la testa I feel dizzy far girare le scatole a qn (fam) to get on sb's nerves |
2. | [andare in giro - gen]
Conjugación to go around [ - in macchina] to drive around [ - a piedi] to walk around girare alla larga da qn/qc to give sb/sthg a wide berth |
3. | [voltare]
Conjugación to turn
girare a destra/sinistra to turn right/left |
4. | [circolare]
to change hands
gira la voce che … rumour has it (that) … |
verbo riflessivo
[voltarsi] Conjugación to turn around