1. | (uncountable noun)
lavoro m
temporary/casual work lavoro interinale/occasionale in/out of work occupato ( f occupata)/disoccupato ( f disoccupata) haven't you got any work to do? non hai niente da fare? at work al lavoro to have one's work cut out doing sthg or to do sthg avere un gran daffare per fare qc |
2. | ART |
he's a nasty piece of work (inf) è un tipaccio |
[wɜ:k]transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [person, staff] far lavorare |
2. | [machine] far funzionare |
3. | [land, clay, metal] lavorare |
4. | [cause to become]
to work o.s. into a rage montare in collera |
5. | [make]
to work one's way [progress physically] avanzare [in career] fare carriera |
[wɜ:k]intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [do job] lavorare |
2. | [function, be successful] funzionare |
3. | [have effect]
to work against sb/sthg tornare a svantaggio di qn/qc |
4. | [gradually become]
the screw is working loose la vite si sta allentando |
[factory] stabilimento m
plural noun
1. | [mechanism] meccanismo m (singolare) |
2. | [digging, building] lavori mpl |
3. | (inf)
the works tutto quanto |
work at
transitive verb inseparable
[try to improve] lavorare su
work off
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[anger, frustration] sfogare
work on
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
1. | [concentrate on] lavorare a |
2. | [try to improve] lavorare su |
3. | [try to persuade]
to work on sb lavorarsi qn |
work out
transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. | [formulate] elaborare |
2. | [calculate] trovare, elaborare |
work out
intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [figure, total]
to work out at ammontare a |
2. | [turn out] riuscire |
3. | [be successful] andare bene |
4. | [train, exercise] allenarsi |
work up
transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. | [excite]
to work o.s. up into a frenzy agitarsi |
2. | [generate]
to work up enthusiasm entusiasmarsi to work up an appetite farsi venire l'appetito |