1. | [gen]
parola f
word for word parola per parola in other words in altre parole in your own words con parole tue not in so many words non esattamente in a word insomma too … for words veramente troppo … by word of mouth con il passaparola to put in a (good) word for sb mettere una parola buona per qn just say the word dillo to have a word (with sb) parlare (a or con qn) to have words with sb (inf) [argue] litigare con qn to have the last word avere l'ultima parola she doesn't mince her words non va tanto per il sottile to weigh one's words pesare le parole I couldn't get a word in edgeways non sono riuscito a dire neanche mezza parola |
2. | (uncountable noun) [news] notizie fpl |
3. | [promise]
parola f
to give sb one's word dare a qn la propria parola to be as good as one's word, to be true to one's word mantenere la parola |
[wɜ:d]transitive verb Conjugación