[θrəʊ] ( pt threw, pp thrown )transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [propel through air] lanciare, tirare |
2. | [put forcefully or carelessly]
to throw one's arms around sb gettare le braccia al collo a qn |
3. | [move suddenly]
to throw o.s. gettarsi to throw o.s. into sthg (fig) buttarsi in qc |
4. | [rider] disarcionare |
5. | (fig)
[force into]
to throw sb into chaos/confusion gettare qn nel caos/nello sconcerto |
6. | [shadow, light]
to throw sthg on sthg proiettare qc su qc |
7. | (fig) [confuse] sconcertare |
to throw a tantrum/fit fare i capricci/una scenata |
[θrəʊ] ( pt threw, pp thrown )noun
[toss, pitch] tiro m, lancio m
throw away
transitive verb separable Conjugación
(lit & fig) buttare via
throw in
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[include] aggiungere
throw out
transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. | [discard] buttare via |
2. | (fig) [reject] cestinare |
3. | [force to leave] buttare fuori |
throw up
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[cause to rise] sollevare
throw up
intransitive verb Conjugación
(inf) [vomit] vomitare