
[sɪt] ( pt & pp sat, cont sitting )
transitive verb Conjugación
1. [place]   sedere
2. (UK) [examination]   dare



[sɪt] ( pt & pp sat, cont sitting )
intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [be seated]   sedere, essere or stare seduto ( f seduta)
2. [seat o.s.]   sedersi
3. [be member]
 to sit on sthg [committee, council]   far parte di qc
4. [be in session]   riunirsi
5. [be situated]   trovarsi
 to sit tight   non muoversi


sit about

intransitive verb Conjugación ,

sit around

intransitive verb Conjugación


sit back

intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [relax]   mettersi (seduto) comodo
2. [not act]   rimanere seduto ( f seduta)


sit down

transitive verb separable Conjugación
  far sedere


sit down

intransitive verb Conjugación
  sedersi, mettersi a sedere


sit in on

transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
  assistere a


sit out

transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. [tolerate]   resistere fino alla fine di
2. [not participate in]   saltare


sit through

transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
  restare fino alla fine di


sit up

intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [from lying]   drizzarsi a sedere
[from slouching]   stare seduto dritto ( f dritta)
2. [stay up]   rimanere su

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