
1. [bag]   zaino m
2. (esp US)
[of washing powder, tissues]   pacchetto m, confezione f
[of cigarettes]   pacchetto m
3. (esp UK) [of cards]   mazzo m
4. [of dogs]   muta f
[of wolves]   branco m
[of thieves]   banda f
5. RUGBY   pacchetto m
 that's a pack of lies!   sono tutte bugie!



transitive verb Conjugación
1. [for journey, holiday]   mettere in valigia
 to pack one's bag   fare la valigia
2. [put in container, parcel]   impacchettare, imballare
3. [crowd into]   riempire
 to be packed into sthg   essere ammucchiato ( f ammucchiata) in qc



intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [for journey, holiday]   fare le valigie
2. [push tightly]   accalcarsi


pack in

(UK & inf)
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[job, boyfriend]   mollare
[smoking]   smettere
 pack it in! [stop annoying me]   piantala !
[shut up]   ma piantala!


pack in

(UK & inf)
intransitive verb Conjugación
[break down]   scassarsi


pack off

transitive verb separable Conjugación
(inf) [send away]   spedire


pack up

transitive verb separable Conjugación
[belongings, clothes]   impacchettare


pack up

intransitive verb Conjugación
1. [pack one's suitcase]   fare le valigie
2. (inf) [finish work]   finire di lavorare
3. (UK & inf) [break down]   scassarsi

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