[laɪt] ( pt & pp lit or lighted )adjective
1. | [bright]
luminoso ( f
it's growing light si fa giorno |
2. | [pale] chiaro ( f chiara) |
3. | [not heavy]
leggero ( f
to be a light sleeper avere il sonno leggero |
4. | [not numerous]
light corrections/responsibilities poche correzioni/responsabilità |
5. | [traffic] scorrevole |
[laɪt] ( pt & pp lit or lighted )noun
1. | [gen] luce f |
2. | [flame]
have you got a light? hai da accendere? to set light to sthg dare fuoco a qc |
3. | [perspective]
in light of, in the light of (UK) alla luce di to see sb/sthg in a different light vedere qn/qc sotto un'altra luce |
to come to light
to see the light understand capire to throw or cast or shed light on sthg far luce su qc |
[laɪt] ( pt & pp lit or lighted )transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [cigarette, fire, candle] accendere |
2. | [stage, room] illuminare |
[laɪt] ( pt & pp lit or lighted )adverb
to travel light viaggiare leggero ( f leggera)
light out
intransitive verb Conjugación
(US & inf) scappare via
light up
transitive verb separable Conjugación
1. | [illuminate] illuminare |
2. | [start smoking] accendere |
light up
intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [look happy] illuminarsi |
2. | (inf) [start smoking] accendersi una sigaretta |