[ˈhʌrɪ] ( pt & pp hurried )transitive verb Conjugación
[person] mettere fretta a
to hurry to do sthg affrettarsi a fare qc
[process] affrettare
[ˈhʌrɪ] ( pt & pp hurried )intransitive verb Conjugación
affrettarsi, sbrigarsi
[ˈhʌrɪ] ( pt & pp hurried )noun
[rush] fretta f
to be in a hurry essere di fretta
to do sthg in a hurry fare qc di fretta
to be in no hurry to do sthg prendersela comoda a fare qc
hurry off
intransitive verb Conjugación
andarsene in fretta
hurry up
intransitive verb Conjugación
hurry up
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[process] accelerare
[person] fare fretta a