[i:z]noun (uncountable noun)
1. | [lack of difficulty]
facilità f
to do sthg with ease fare qc con facilità |
2. | [comfort]
comodità f
at ease a proprio agio ill at ease a disagio |
[i:z]transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [make less severe - pain]
alleviare [ - restrictions, problem] ridurre |
2. | [move carefully]
to ease sthg in/out far entrare/far uscire qc con cautela to ease o.s. out of sthg sollevarsi da qc con cautela to ease o.s. into sthg entrare con cautela in qc |
[i:z]intransitive verb Conjugación
[become less severe] diminuire
ease off
intransitive verb Conjugación
ease up
intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [rain] diminuire |
2. | [relax]
prendersela con calma
to ease up on sb (inf) dare tregua a qn |