1. | [lump - on head]
bernoccolo m
[ - in road] dosso m |
2. | [knock, blow] colpo m |
3. | [noise] tonfo m |
[bʌmp]transitive verb Conjugación
[head, knee] sbattere
[car] andare a sbattere con
[bʌmp]intransitive verb Conjugación
1. | [move unevenly] avanzare a sobbalzi |
2. | [knock, hit]
to bump into sthg sbattere contro qc |
bump into
transitive verb inseparable Conjugación
[meet by chance]
to bump into sb imbattersi in qn
bump off
transitive verb separable Conjugación
(inf) far fuori
bump up
transitive verb separable Conjugación
(inf) aumentare