1. | [individual part or portion]
trozo m,
pedazo m
to come to pieces deshacerse to be smashed to pieces ser destrozado to take something to pieces desmontar algo to tear something to pieces hacer trizas algo in pieces en pedazos in one piece [intact] intacto ( f intacta) [unharmed] sano y salvo ( f sana y salva) to go to pieces (fig) venirse abajo |
2. | (with uncountable noun)
[individual object]
piece of furniture mueble m piece of clothing prenda f de vestir piece of fruit fruta f piece of luggage bulto m de equipaje piece of advice consejo m piece of news noticia f a piece of information una información piece of luck golpe m de suerte piece of work [object] pieza f (inf) [nasty person] elemento m |
3. | [in board game]
pieza f
[in draughts] ficha f |
4. | [valuable or interesting object, composition, play] pieza f |
5. | [of journalism] artículo m |
6. | [coin] moneda f |
piece together
transitive verb separable Conjugación
[discover] Conjugación componer