1. | [plank] tabla f |
2. | [for notices] tablón m |
3. | [for games] tablero m |
4. | [blackboard] pizarra f |
5. | COMPUT placa f |
6. | [of company]
board (of directors) consejo m de administración |
7. | [committee] comité m, junta f |
8. | (UK)
[at hotel, guesthouse]
board and lodging comida y habitación full board pensión completa half board media pensión |
9. | on board
[ship, plane]
a bordo
[bus, train] dentro |
above board
en regla
across the board lineal, general to go by the board irse al garete to sweep the board arrasar to take something on board hacerse cargo de or aceptar algo |
[bɔ:d]transitive verb Conjugación
1. | [ship, plane]
embarcar en
[train, bus] subirse a, embarcarse en (Amér) |
2. | [in naval battle] Conjugación abordar |
[bɔ:d]intransitive verb Conjugación
flight XY879 is now boarding through gate 4 embarque del vuelo XY789 por la puerta 4