
sustantivo femenino
1. [de trabajo]   working day
 jornada intensiva  working day from 8 to 3 with only a short lunch break
 jornada laboral   working day
 media jornada   half day
 jornada partida  typical Spanish working day from 9 to 1 and 4 to 7
 jornada de reflexión  day of reflection before elections when campaigning is forbidden
2. [de viaje]   day's journey
3. DEP   round of matches, programme



sustantivo femenino plural
[conferencia]   conference sg

Jornada continua
Spanish stores, offices and schools used to close when everyone went home to have lunch with their families, and all activity would come to a standstill. Many offices changed their timetable in the summertime to what is called the “intensive working day” or “summer timetable” and did not take a lunch break, a custom that still continues today. However, department stores and superstores have now broken ranks and stay open all day. Many companies now prefer their employees to take shorter lunch breaks, which means that, in big cities at least, they do not have time to return home for the traditional long lunch.

Palabras cercanas

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  • El cielo era gris y … mucho.