
1. [encima de]   on (top of)
 el libro está sobre la mesa   the book is on (top of) the table
2. [por encima de]   over, above
 el pato vuela sobre el lago   the duck is flying over the lake
3. [superioridad]   above
 su opinión está sobre las de los demás   his opinion is more important than that of the others
4. [acerca de]   about, on
 un libro sobre el amor   a book about o on love
 una conferencia sobre el desarme   a conference on disarmament
5. [alrededor de]   about
 llegarán sobre las diez   they'll arrive at about ten o'clock
6. [acumulación]   upon
 nos contó mentira sobre mentira   he told us lie upon lie o one lie after another
7. [cerca de]   upon
 la desgracia estaba ya sobre nosotros   the disaster was already upon us

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