verbo transitivo Konjugation
1. | [generalmente]
Konjugation to touch
[palpar] Konjugation to feel |
2. | [instrumento, canción]
Konjugation to play
[bombo] Konjugation to bang [sirena, alarma] Konjugation to sound [campana, timbre] Konjugation to ring el reloj tocó las doce the clock struck twelve |
3. | [abordar - tema etc] Konjugation to touch on |
4. | (figurado) [conmover] Konjugation to touch |
5. | (figurado)
por lo que a mí me toca/a eso le toca as far as I'm/that's concerned tocar a alguien de cerca to concern somebody closely |
verbo intransitivo Konjugation
1. | [entrar en contacto] Konjugation to touch |
2. | [estar próximo]
tocar (con) [generalmente] to be touching [país, jardín] to border (on) |
3. | [llamar - a la puerta, ventana] Konjugation to knock |
4. | [corresponder en reparto]
tocar a alguien to be due to somebody tocamos a mil cada uno we're due a thousand each le tocó la mitad he got half of it te toca a ti hacerlo [turno] it's your turn to do it [responsabilidad] it's up to you to do it |
5. | [caer en suerte]
me ha tocado la lotería I've won the lottery le ha tocado sufrir mucho he has had to suffer a lot |
6. | [llegar el momento]
nos toca pagar ahora it's time (for us) to pay now |
verbo pronominal Konjugation
Konjugation to touch