verbo transitivo Konjugation
1. | [generalmente]
Konjugation to pass
[noticia, aviso] Konjugation to pass on ¿me pasas la sal? would you pass me the salt? pasar algo por [filtrar] to pass something through |
2. | [cruzar]
Konjugation to cross
pasar la calle to cross the road pasé el río a nado I swam across the river |
3. | [traspasar] to pass through |
4. | [trasladar]
pasar algo a to move something to |
5. | [llevar adentro]
to show in
el criado nos pasó al salón the butler showed us into the living room |
6. | [contagiar]
pasar algo a alguien to give something to somebody, to infect somebody with something me has pasado la tos you've given me your cough |
7. | [admitir - instancia etc] Konjugation to accept |
8. | [consentir]
pasar algo a alguien to let somebody get away with something |
9. | [rebasar - en el espacio]
Konjugation to go through [ - en el tiempo] to have been through pasar un semáforo en rojo to go through a red light |
10. | [emplear - tiempo]
Konjugation to spend
pasó dos años en Roma he spent two years in Rome |
11. | [padecer]
Konjugation to go through, Konjugation to suffer
pasarlo mal to have a hard time of it |
12. | [sobrepasar]
ya ha pasado los veinticinco he's over twenty-five now mi hijo me pasa ya dos centímetros my son is already two centimetres taller than me |
13. | [adelantar - coche, contrincante etc] Konjugation to overtake |
14. | CINE Konjugation to show |
verbo intransitivo Konjugation
1. | [generalmente]
Konjugation to pass, Konjugation to go
pasó por mi lado he passed by my side el autobús pasa por mi casa the bus goes past o passes in front of my house el Manzanares pasa por Madrid the Manzanares goes o passes through Madrid he pasado por tu calle I went down your street pasar de ... a ... to go o pass from ... to ... pasar de largo to go by |
2. | [entrar]
to go/come in
¡pase! come in! |
3. | [poder entrar]
pasar (por) to go (through) por ahí no pasa it won't go through there |
4. | [ir un momento]
Konjugation to pop in
pasaré por mi oficina/por tu casa I'll pop into my office/round to your place |
5. | [suceder]
Konjugation to happen
¿qué pasa aquí? what's going on here? ¿qué pasa? what's the matter? pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may |
6. | [terminarse]
to be over
pasó la Navidad Christmas is over |
7. | [transcurrir] Konjugation to go by |
8. | [cambiar - acción]
pasar a to move on to pasemos a otra cosa let's move on to something else |
9. | [conformarse]
pasar (con/sin algo) to make do (with/without something) tendrá que pasar sin coche she'll have to make do without a car |
10. | [servir]
to be all right, to be usable
puede pasar it'll do |
11. | (familiar)
pasar de algo/alguien to want nothing to do with something/somebody paso de política I'm not into politics |
12. | [tolerar]
pasar por algo to put up with something |
verbo pronominal Konjugation
1. | [acabarse]
Konjugation to pass
siéntate hasta que se te pase sit down until you feel better |
2. | [emplear - tiempo]
Konjugation to spend, Konjugation to pass
se pasaron el día hablando they spent all day talking |
3. | [desaprovecharse]
to slip by
se me pasó la oportunidad I missed my chance |
4. | [estropearse - comida]
Konjugation to go off [ - flores] Konjugation to fade |
5. | [cambiar de bando]
pasarse a to go over to |
6. | [omitir]
Konjugation to miss out
te has pasado una página you've missed a page out |
7. | [olvidarse]
pasársele a alguien to slip somebody's mind se me pasó decírtelo I forgot to mention it to you |
8. | [no fijarse]
pasársele a alguien to escape somebody's attention no se le pasa nada he never misses a thing |
9. | [excederse]
pasarse de generoso/bueno to be far too generous/kind |
10. | (familiar)
to go too far, to go over the top
te has pasado diciéndole eso what you said went too far o was over the top |
11. | [divertirse]
¿qué tal te lo estás pasando? how are you enjoying yourself? pasárselo bien/mal to have a good/bad time |