( f china )adjetivo & sustantivo masculino, sustantivo femenino
1. | Chinese
engañar a alguien como a un chino (figurado) to take somebody for a ride trabajar como un chino (figurado) to slave away |
2. | (Andes & R Plata) [mestizo] person of mixed ancestry |
sustantivo masculino
1. | [lengua] Chinese |
2. | [instrumento] sieve |
3. | [piedra] pebble |
sustantivo femenino
1. | [piedra]
small stone, pebble
tocarle a alguien la china to have bad luck |
2. | [porcelana] china |
3. | (Amér) [india] Indian woman |
4. | (Amér) [criada] maid |
sustantivo masculino plural
[juego] game in which each player must guess the number of coins or pebbles in the other's hand