
pronombre demostrativo ,


( mpl aquéllos, fpl aquéllas )
pronombre demostrativo
1. [ése]   that (one), those (ones) pl
 este cuadro me gusta pero aquél del fondo no   I like this picture, but I don't like that one at the back
 aquél fue mi último día en Londres   that was my last day in London
2. [nombrado antes]   the former
 teníamos un coche y una moto, ésta estropeada y aquél sin gasolina   we had a car and a motorbike, the former was out of petrol, the latter had broken down
3. [con oraciones relativas]   whoever, anyone who
 aquél que quiera hablar que levante la mano   whoever wishes o anyone wishing to speak should raise their hand
 aquéllos que...   those who...

Im Alphabet davor/danach

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