[trɪm] ( compar trimmer, superl trimmest )adjective
1. | [neat and tidy] limpio y arreglado ( f limpia y arreglada) |
2. | [slim] esbelto ( f esbelta) |
1. | [of hair]
recorte m
[of hedge] poda f |
2. | [decoration] adorno m |
[trɪm] ( pt & pp trimmed, cont trimming )transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [nails, moustache] Konjugation recortar, Konjugation cortar |
2. | [decorate]
to trim something (with) adornar algo (con) |
trim away
transitive verb separable Konjugation ,
trim off
transitive verb separable Konjugation
Konjugation cortar