
[θɪŋk] (     pt & pp thought )
transitive verb Konjugation
1. [believe]
 to think (that)   creer or pensar que
 I think so   creo que sí
 I don't think so   creo que no
2. [have in mind]   Konjugation pensar
 what are you thinking?   ¿en qué piensas?
 I didn't think to ask her   no se me ocurrió preguntárselo
3. [imagine]   Konjugation entender, hacerse una idea de
 I can't think what might have happened to them   no quiero ni pensar lo que les podría haber ocurrido
 I thought so   ya me lo imaginaba
4. [remember]   Konjugation recordar
 try to think where you saw them last   intenta recordar cuándo los viste por última vez
5. [in polite requests]   Konjugation creer
 do you think you could help me?   ¿cree que podría ayudarme?



[θɪŋk] (     pt & pp thought )
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [use mind]   Konjugation pensar
 let me think   vamos a ver
 to think aloud   pensar en voz alta
2. [have stated opinion]
 what do you think of or about his new film?   ¿qué piensas de su nueva película?
 to think a lot of something/somebody   tener en mucha estima algo/a alguien
 to think well of somebody   tener una buena opinión de alguien
 to think better of something/doing something   pensarse mejor algo/lo de hacer algo
 he thinks nothing of doing it   para él es pan comido hacerlo
 to think twice   pensárselo dos veces



 to have a think (about something)   pensarse (algo)


think about

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
  pensar en
 I'll have to think about it   tendré que pensarlo
 to think about doing something   pensar en hacer algo


think back

intransitive verb Konjugation
  volver la mente atrás
 think back to your childhood   vuelve la mente a tu infancia


think of

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. [consider]
 to think of doing something   pensar en hacer algo
2. [remember]   acordarse de
3. [conceive]   pensar en
 how did you think of (doing) that?   ¿cómo se te ocurrió (hacer) esto?
4. [show consideration for]
 it was kind of you to think of me   fue muy amable de tu parte que te acordaras de mí


think out

transitive verb separable Konjugation ,

think through

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[plan]   Konjugation elaborar
[problem]   Konjugation examinar


think over

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  pensarse, Konjugation meditar


think up

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  Konjugation idear

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