1. | [turn] vuelta f |
2. | AERON barrena f |
3. | (inf)
[in car]
vuelta f
to go for a spin ir a dar una vuelta |
[spɪn] ( pt span or spun, pp spun, cont spinning )transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [cause to rotate] Konjugation girar, dar vueltas a |
2. | [clothes, washing] Konjugation centrifugar |
3. | [wool, yarn] Konjugation hilar |
[spɪn] ( pt span or spun, pp spun, cont spinning )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [rotate]
Konjugation girar, dar vueltas
to spin out of control [vehicle] comenzar a dar trompos |
2. | [feel dizzy]
my head is spinning me da vueltas la cabeza |
3. | [make thread, wool, cloth] Konjugation hilar |
spin out
transitive verb separable Konjugation
[story] Konjugation alargar, Konjugation prolongar
[money] Konjugation estirar