1. | [increase, slope] subida f |
2. | (UK) [increase in salary] aumento m |
3. | [to fame, power, of practice] ascenso m |
to give rise to something dar origen a algo |
[raɪz] ( pt rose, pp risen [ˈrɪzn] )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [generally] Konjugation elevarse |
2. | [price, wage, temperature] Konjugation subir |
3. | [sun, moon] Konjugation salir |
4. | [stand up, get out of bed] Konjugation levantarse |
5. | [street, ground] Konjugation subir |
6. | [respond]
to rise to reaccionar ante to rise to the challenge estar a la altura de las circunstancias |
7. | [rebel] sublevarse |
8. | [move up in status]
Konjugation ascender
to rise to power/fame ascender al poder/a la gloria |
rise above
transitive verb inseparable
1. | [handicap, difficulty] Konjugation superar |
2. | [jealousy, resentment] estar por encima de |