
[ki:p] (     pt & pp kept )
transitive verb Konjugation
1. [maintain in a particular place or state or position]   Konjugation mantener
 to keep somebody waiting/awake   tener a alguien esperando/despierto
 to keep somebody talking   darle conversación a alguien
2. [retain]   quedarse con
 keep the change   quédese con la vuelta
3. [put aside, store]   Konjugation guardar
 to keep something for somebody   guardar algo para alguien
4. [prevent]
 to keep somebody/something from doing something   impedir a alguien/algo hacer algo
5. [detain]   Konjugation detener
 what kept you?   ¿por qué llegas tan tarde?
6. [fulfil, observe - appointment]   acudir a
[ - promise, vow]   Konjugation cumplir
7. [not disclose]
 to keep something from somebody   ocultar algo a alguien
 to keep something to oneself   no contarle algo a nadie
8. [in writing - record, account]   Konjugation llevar
[ - diary]   Konjugation escribir
[ - note]   Konjugation tomar
9. [own - animals, shop]   Konjugation tener
 they keep themselves to themselves   no tienen mucho trato con nadie



[ki:p] (     pt & pp kept )
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [remain]   Konjugation mantenerse
 to keep quiet   callarse
 to keep still   estarse quieto
2. [continue]
 to keep doing something [repeatedly]   no dejar de hacer algo
[without stopping]   continuar or seguir haciendo algo
 to keep going   seguir adelante
3. [continue in a particular direction]   Konjugation continuar, Konjugation seguir
 to keep left/right   circular por la izquierda/derecha
 to keep north/south   seguir hacia el norte/el sur
4. [food]   conservarse
5. (UK) [be in a particular state of health]   Konjugation estar, Konjugation andar
 how are you keeping?   ¿qué tal estás?



1. [food, board etc]   manutención f, sustento m
 to earn one's keep   ganarse el pan
2. [of castle]   torre f del homenaje



 for keeps   para siempre


keep at

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
 to keep at it   perseverar


keep back

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[information]   Konjugation ocultar
[money, salary]   Konjugation retener


keep back

intransitive verb Konjugation
  no acercarse


keep down

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [repress]   Konjugation contener
2. [food]
 she can't keep anything down   lo vomita todo


keep off

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[subject]   Konjugation evitar
 keep off the grass   no pisar la hierba


keep on

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [continue]
 to keep on doing something [continue to do]   continuar or seguir haciendo algo
[do repeatedly]   no dejar de hacer algo
2. [talk incessantly]
 to keep on (about)   seguir dale que te pego (con)


keep on

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[not sack]   mantener en el puesto


keep on at

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
(UK)   dar la lata a


keep out

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  no dejar pasar


keep out

intransitive verb Konjugation
 keep out   prohibida la entrada


keep to

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. [follow]   ceñirse a
2. [fulfil, meet]   Konjugation cumplir


keep to

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[limit]   limitar a


keep up

transitive verb separable Konjugation
  Konjugation mantener
 to keep up appearances   guardar las apariencias
 keep up the good work!   ¡sigue así!


keep up

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [maintain pace, level etc]   mantener el ritmo
 to keep up with somebody/something   seguir el ritmo de alguien/algo
2. [stay in contact]
 to keep up with somebody   mantener contacto con alguien

Im Alphabet davor/danach

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