1. | [preserve] mermelada f |
2. | [of traffic] embotellamiento m, atasco m |
3. | MUS sesión improvisada de jazz o rock |
4. | (inf)
[difficult situation]
to get into/be in a jam meterse/estar en un apuro |
[dʒæm] ( pt & pp jammed, cont jamming )transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [place roughly] meter a la fuerza |
2. | [fix]
Konjugation sujetar
jam the door shut atranca la puerta |
3. | [pack tightly] Konjugation apiñar |
4. | [fill] Konjugation abarrotar, Konjugation atestar |
5. | TELEC Konjugation bloquear |
6. | [cause to stick]
Konjugation atascar
it's jammed se ha atascado |
7. | RADIO Konjugation interferir |
[dʒæm] ( pt & pp jammed, cont jamming )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [stick] Konjugation atascarse |
2. | MUS Konjugation improvisar |