honour, UK
noun ,
honor, US
1. | [generally]
honor m,
honra f
in honour of en honor de |
2. | [source of pride - person] honra f |
honour, UK
transitive verb Konjugation ,
honor, US
[ˈɒnəɼ]transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [promise, agreement]
Konjugation cumplir
[debt] Konjugation satisfacer [cheque] Konjugation pagar, Konjugation aceptar |
2. | (fml) [bring honour to] Konjugation honrar |
[in titles]
His/Her/Your Honour Su Señoría
plural noun
1. | [tokens of respect] honores mpl |
2. | (UK)
honours degree licenciatura de cuatro años necesaria para acceder a un máster |
to do the honours hacer los honores de la casa |