[kri:p] ( pt & pp crept )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [person] Konjugation deslizarse, andar con sigilo |
2. | [insect]
Konjugation arrastrarse
[traffic etc] avanzar lentamente |
3. | (inf)
to creep (to somebody) hacer la pelota (a alguien) |
1. | [unctuous person] pelotillero m, pelotillera f, pelota mf |
2. | [horrible person] asqueroso m, asquerosa f |
plural noun
to give somebody the creeps (inf) ponerle a alguien la piel de gallina
creep in
intransitive verb Konjugation
[mistake] Konjugation introducirse
creep up on
transitive verb
1. | [subj: person, animal] acercarse sigilosamente a |
2. | [subj: old age, deadline] aproximarse a |