1. | (UK)
[fried potato chip]
patata f
(US) [potato crisp] patata f frita (de bolsa o de churrería) |
2. | [fragment - generally]
pedacito m
[ - of wood] viruta f [ - of stone] lasca f |
3. | [flaw - in cup, glass] mella f, desportilladura f |
4. | COMPUT chip m |
5. | [token] ficha f |
when the chips are down
cuando llega la hora de la verdad
to have a chip on one's shoulder estar resentido, tener uno un poco de complejo |
[ʧɪp] ( pt & pp chipped, cont chipping )transitive verb Konjugation
[damage] Konjugation mellar, desportillar
chip in
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[pay money] Konjugation poner
chip in
( pt & pp chipped, cont chipping )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [pay money] poner dinero |
2. | [in conversation] Konjugation intervenir |
chip off
transitive verb separable Konjugation
Konjugation desconchar