
[teɪk] ( pt took, pp taken )
transitive verb Konjugation
1. [gen]   prendere
 to take sthg seriously   prendere qc seriamente
 to take it badly   prenderla male
 to take offence   offendersi
 I take the view that …   penso que …
 what batteries does it take?   che pile ci vogliono?
2. [to somewhere else]   portare
3. [receive]   ricevere
 to take a seat   accomodarsi
 to take control/command   assumere il controllo/comando
4. [accept]   accettare
5. [contain]   contenere
6. [bear]   sopportare
 I can't take any more   non ne posso più
7. [require]
 how long will it take to get there?   quanto ci vorrà ad arrivarci?
8. [holiday, test]   fare
 to take a walk/bath   fare una passeggiata/il bagno
 to take a photo   fare una foto
9. [risk]   correre
10. [measure - pulse]   prendere
[ - temperature]   misurare
11. [wear as a particular size]   portare
12. [assume]
 I take it (that) …   suppongo che …
13. CHESS   mangiare, prendere



[teɪk] ( pt took, pp taken )
intransitive verb Konjugation
[dye, fire]   prendere
[vaccine, drug]   fare effetto



[teɪk] ( pt took, pp taken )
CIN   ripresa f


take aback

transitive verb separable
 to be taken aback   rimanere spiazzato ( f spiazzata)


take after

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[parent]   prendere da


take apart

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[dismantle]   smontare


take away

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [remove]   portare via
2. [deduct]   sottrarre
 take five away from seven   sottrai cinque da sette


take back

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [return]   riportare
2. [accept]   riprendere
3. [statement, accusation]   ritirare


take down

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [dismantle]   smontare
2. [write down]   prendere nota di
3. [lower]   abbassare
 to take down one's trousers   abbassarsi i pantaloni


take in

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [deceive]   ingannare
2. [understand, include]   comprendere
3. [provide accommodation for]   accogliere


take off

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [remove]   togliersi, togliere
2. [have as holiday]
 to take two days/the afternoon off   prendersi due giorni/un pomeriggio di ferie
 to take time off   andare in ferie
3. (inf) [imitate]   fare il verso a
4. (inf) [go away suddenly]
 to take o.s. off   andarsene


take off

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [plane]   decollare
2. (inf) [go away suddenly]   andarsene
3. [be successful]   decollare


take on

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [work, job]   accettare
2. [responsibility]   prendersi
3. [employee]   assumere
4. [adversary]   affrontare


take on

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[meaning, colour]   assumere


take out

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [from container]   estrarre
2. [delete]   togliere
3. [go out with]   portare fuori
 to take it or a lot out of sb (inf)   spossare qn


take out on

transitive verb separable
 to take it out on sb/sthg   rifarsela con qn/qc


take over

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [company, business]   rilevare
2. [country, government]   assumere il controllo di
3. [job, role]   prendere


take over

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [take control]   assumere il comando
2. [in job]
 to take over from sb   subentrare a qn


take to

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. [feel a liking for]
 I took to her at once   mi è piaciuta subito
 I never really took to aerobics   non sono mai riuscito, riuscita f a farmi piacere l'aerobica
2. [begin]
 to take to doing sthg   prendere a fare qc


take up

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [begin]   cominciare
2. [discuss further]   riprendere
3. [use up]   prendere


take up on

transitive verb separable
1. [an offer]
 to take sb up on his/her offer/invitation   accettare l'offerta/invito di qn
2. [ask to explain]
 to take sb up on sthg   chiedere a qn di spiegare qc


take upon

transitive verb separable Konjugation
 to take it upon o.s. to do sthg   prendersi l'incarico di fare qc

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